Action Alert: RFK Jr Nomination
Posted about 1 month ago
Hello colleagues,
We hope you are guarding your joy. It has been a busy few weeks.
We urge each of you to call or email your Senators to oppose RFK JR as Secretary for HHS.
1- Find your senator: 5 or here
Sample scripts below:
One is quick, one is longer. BOTH are effective! Several of us have done it and it takes 2 minutes to either write an email on their "Contact Us" or leaving a voicemail.
1: "Hi, I am {NAME} from {city, zipcode} and I urge the Senator to oppose RFK Jr for Secretary of HHS."
2: "Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].
I urge [REP/SEN NAME] oppose the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Kennedy. He has no scientific, epidemiological, medical, pharmaceutical, nor public health merit! He has promoted dangerous partial truths with pseudo convictions regarding vaccine and drug safety. He is a direct threat to our nation's public health and has no business running the world's largest public health agency!
Thank you for your time and consideration."
If you have additional time: Reach out to key pivotal Republicans
Susan Collins (Maine)
Lisa Murkowski (AK)
Mitch McConnell (Kentucky)
Bill Cassidy (Louisiana)
We have a few events coming up we will be writing about further.
Guard your joy,
NPNY Advocacy Committee